JACT Ventures - why this website?

Welcome to our first blog & the “Grand Opening” of www.jact.ventures! This is Cara & I’ll be the blogging word wizard but the ideas belong to both James & I. What are we doing & why, you may ask?

We are creating an online presence & platform to encourage & inspire others to pursue a lifestyle of fun & adventure!

Chase True - Trail Breaker

I enjoy writing, taking pictures & creating YouTube videos, so our website provides me a way to share & keep everything organized in one location. Together we developed our mission & site theme based on our own lifestyle. We believe adventure keeps our life from becoming static & it’s also our reward for working hard to pay the bills!

James came up with our name “JACT - James And Cara True” in 2016… we were driving back from Eastern WA & stopped to eat lunch on Stevens Pass when it came to him. The rest of the way home we excitedly created this idea of being JACT on life! The next day without warning, I was admitted to the ICU for 5 days at Providence Hospital with a DVT blood clot from my pelvis to my left ankle caused by May-Thurner Syndrome.

This was a scary & emotional backset for us as we had recently lost so many family members… Two months before, my Uncle Rick Keller passed away from throat cancer, two months before that James’ mother Maxine True unexpectedly passed away from heart failure, a month before that my Uncle Don Harris passed & nine months before that James’ father Jim True passed away from lung cancer.

We hadn’t even celebrated our first wedding anniversary yet & we were still grieving from all these heartbreaking losses when my blood clot hit out of the blue. Thankfully within the next a year & two stents later, I made a full recovery - but it drove home the reality that life can change in the blink of an eye! I am now 49 years old & James has celebrated his 50th birthday & yes, we are moderately preparing for the day we can retire but we are also living in the moment of each day with thankful hearts for the fun adventures we can have now!

We share many of our adventures with our favorite companion Chase - our Border Collie! She brings joy to our lives every day & literally leads the way in adventure trail breaking on the mountain with our horses or just hiking in the backcountry. She’s also gone on two major road trips with us traveling over 10,000 miles! There are vacations she has to stay home though, since certain resorts won’t allow dogs or when we attend festivals with large groups of people where there is admittedly alcohol involved! LOL

Hopefully I won’t be drinking & blogging at the same time but no promises! We will use our blog to share each adventure from hunting, hiking & horseback riding to road trips, motorcycle rides, tropical vacations as well as concert & festival reviews. We don’t have any sponsors & don’t expect any monetary gain from this but maybe by the time we DO retire that could be an option LOL

We hope you will come along for the ride, plan your own adventures & then share them with us!! If not now, when? GO DO IT! #JACTVentures